ANB Sensors secure Horizon 2020 SMEInst Phase 2 funding
ANB Sensors are proud to announce that we were the only UK based company to secure Horizon 2020 SMEInst Phase 2 funding!
ANB Sensors are proud to announce that we were the only UK based company to secure Horizon 2020 SMEInst Phase 2 funding!
We have identified a fundamental concern with the current ISEs on the market – drift of the reference electrode/system. Drift is the gradual change in reference electrode response over time and is caused by changes to the reference system that are impossible to prevent. These changes to the reference system Read more…
Feasibility Studies Understanding the market and the barriers to entry is an extremely important step for ANB Sensors, this has been facilitated by our success in two grant funding rounds; Innovate UK’s Global Feasibility challenge and EU H2020 SMEi phase 1 funding. Global Feasibility Challenge Jan – Mar 2017 During Read more…
ANB Sensors were delighted to be featured in a success story on the Enterprise Europe Network website. Click here to link to the full article: Cambridgeshire company ANB Sensors Ltd is developing affordable ‘smart sensor’ technology to help conservationists improve the measurement of acidity levels that are threatening the Read more…
Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) sensors are used to detect ionic concentration in aqueous solutions. Through discussions with several ISE sensor users and manufacturers, we have confirmed a fundamental issue with the ISE sensors currently on the market – electrode drift – which severely degrades the sensor’s operational performance and utility Read more…
February 2017 Nathan Lawrence, ANBSensors CTO gave an invited presentation at the EuraMet conference in Warsaw, Poland, highlighting the need for metrological studies and validation of sensors for oceanograhic monitoring. ANBSensors attended Oceanology 2017, in San Diego, meeting up with amongst others, old friends from the X-Prize Competition. January 2017 Read more…