Firmware Instructions
– Check your sensor’s serial numbers from the Version command at the Menu
– If you have Interface Firmware Version below I6 you need to upgrade your bootloader. Instructions to do this can be found here
Interface firmware
– Connect the power and the communication cable to a computer and the Sensor. (If using the Data Transfer Unit (DTU) plug it into the USB port of a computer and the SubConn end into the Sensor)
– Use a Terminal program (such as TeraTerm) to determine the com port number assigned to the DTU, and close the program once you have noted the com port
– Download and unzip the fwload program and copy into a folder (do not leave on desktop)
– Download and unzip the latest firmware files into the same folder where you have saved the update program ‘fwload’
Make sure you download the correct firmware file for your sensor’s serial number
– Open a Command Prompt by typing ‘cmd’ in the windows search bar at the bottom of the screen
– Navigate to the folder where ‘fwload’ and the update files have been saved using ‘cd directory name’ as often as required
– Check exact file names by typing ‘dir’ in the command prompt
– Type ‘fwload -i -p X filename.hex‘ [RETURN]
X = com port number obtained earlier
filename.hex = the name of the interface file
Example: ‘fwload -i -p37 I5_3B.hex’
– A ‘Power on the sensor now’ message will appear along with a timer. The sensor must be powered on from the DTU within 10 secs
– Once the sensor is powered, the uploading of the interface firmware will start
– A ‘Connected to interface board’ message will appear confirming the firmware update
– Progress is indicated by ..*..*..*.. which will continue until the update is complete
– At completion the upload will have been successful if the last character displayed is a ‘+’ symbol ..*..*..*..+
– If no + is displayed, disconnect sensor from power and repeat firmware update
– If no + persists after repeating the procedures, please contact
Leave sensor switched off for 120 seconds after bootloading new firmware
Driver firmware
– Connect the power and the communication cable to a computer and the Sensor. (If using the Data Transfer Unit (DTU) plug it into the USB port of a computer and the SubConn end into the Sensor)
– Use a Terminal program (such as TeraTerm) to determine the com port number assigned to the DTU, and close the program once you have noted the com port
– If you haven’t already, download and unzip the fwload program and copy into a folder (do not leave on desktop)
– Download and unzip the latest firmware file into the same folder where you have saved the update program ‘fwload’
Make sure you download the correct firmware file for your sensor’s serial number
– Open a Command Prompt by typing ‘cmd’ in the windows search bar at the bottom of the screen
– Navigate to the folder where ‘fwload’ and the update files have been saved using ‘cd directory name’ as often as required
– Check exact file names by typing ‘dir’ in the command prompt
– Type ‘fwload -d -p X filename.hex‘ [RETURN]
X = com port number obtained earlier
filename.hex = the name of the driver file
Example: ‘fwload -d -p37 D5_0.hex’
– A ‘Power on the sensor now’ message will appear along with a timer. The sensor must be powered on from the DTU within 10 secs
– Once the sensor is powered, the uploading of the driver firmware will start
– A ‘Connected to interface board’ message will appear confirming the firmware update
– Progress is indicated by ..*..*..*.. which will continue until the update is complete
– At completion the upload will have been successful if the last character displayed is a ‘+’ symbol ..*..*..*..+
– If no + is displayed, disconnect sensor from power and repeat firmware update
– If no + persists after repeating the procedures, please contact
– Power down to finalise the update, and then Power up when connected to the terminal program to proceed.
Leave sensor switched off for 120 seconds after bootloading new firmware