Firmware Archive
For sensors with serial numbers from 300200 and above
Date | Type | Version | Update Info |
03/09/2024 | Driver = STM | STM_9.94 | 9_5_3 performance enhancements |
08/08/2024 | Driver = STM | STM9_5_3 | 9_5_1 performance enhancements |
25/07/2024 | Driver = STM | STM9_5_1 | Lowering the pH sensing operation to 0.05ppt salinities accessible using the ScanF function over the range 2.5 to 0.05ppt, Expanding the range of our ScanO functionality from 44ppt down to 2.5ppt (previously 7ppt) enabling faster measurements to these lower salinities, Incorporation of a profiling mode for capturing pH changes quicker, suited to our vehicle integrators, Faster start-up time to measurements, ideal for power sensitive platforms, Addition of an Abrade command for use when the transducer has been abraded enabling faster and more stable measurements after this procedure, Addition of Scan2 commands for improved functionality and user control when on remote powered platforms |
25/07/2024 | Interface = B | I9_5_1B | As STM9_5_1 |
19/04/2024 | Driver = STM | STM9_0_1 | Salinity output when out of range or transducer failing, ScanF operation in low salinity water (0.3 ppt to 7 ppt), Salinity and conductivity output in ScanF |
12/04/2024 | Interface = B | I9_0B | As STM9_0_1 |
12/04/2024 | Driver = STM | STM9_0 | ScanF operation in low salinity water (0.3 ppt to 7 ppt), Salinity and conductivity output in ScanF |
28/03/2024 | Driver = STM | STM8_60 | Improved modbus operation, Faster time to measurement output on scano1 command, Power consumption optimised for interval delay measurements |
28/03/2024 | Interface = B | I8_60B | As STM8_60 |
15/03/2024 | Driver = STM | STM8_41 | Full pH range operability (pH 2-10), Improved accuracy across the entire pH range, Faster transducer health outputs for modbus integrators - health available within 10s of measurement start, Enhanced signal resolution for long-term deployments |
15/03/2024 | Interface = B | I8_56B | As STM8_41 |
30/01/2024 | Driver | STM8_17 | Faster sensor boot-up time, Optimised settling time, Improved temperature outputs, New modbus operation, Accelerated pH outputs, Extended lifetime between abrasions, Immersion sensor, Improved transducer health outputs |
30/01/2024 | Interface | I8_38B | As STM8_17 |
03/11/2023 | Driver | Dstm7_12 | Various bug fixes including the recognition of power when in sleep mode |
03/11/2023 | Interface | I7_22B | AS Dstm7_12 |
02/10/2023 | Interface | I7_21B | Modbus protocol outputs updated for temperature in C. Improved pH algorithms onboard sensor to provide improved precision. Enhanced operational performance for delayed longterm measurements. Data download only shows files where data is held with the file, and shows the size of the files to be downloaded. Removed some bugs on the data download code |
02/10/2023 | Driver | Dstm7_7 | As I7_21B |
For sensors with serial numbers from 300028 and above
Date | Type | Version | Update Info |
03/09/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX_9.94 | 9_5_3 performance enhancements |
08/08/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX9_5_3 | 9_5_1 performance enhancements |
25/07/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX9_5_1 | Lowering the pH sensing operation to 0.05ppt salinities accessible using the ScanF function over the range 2.5 to 0.05ppt, Expanding the range of our ScanO functionality from 44ppt down to 2.5ppt (previously 7ppt) enabling faster measurements to these lower salinities, Incorporation of a profiling mode for capturing pH changes quicker, suited to our vehicle integrators, Faster start-up time to measurements, ideal for power sensitive platforms, Addition of an Abrade command for use when the transducer has been abraded enabling faster and more stable measurements after this procedure, Addition of Scan2 commands for improved functionality and user control when on remote powered platforms |
25/07/2024 | Interface = B | I9_5_1B | As ATX9_5_1 |
19/04/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX9_0_1 | Salinity output when out of range or transducer failing, ScanF operation in low salinity water (0.3 ppt to 7 ppt), Salinity and conductivity output in ScanF |
12/04/2024 | Interface = B | I9_0B | As ATX9_0_1 |
12/04/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX9_0 | ScanF operation in low salinity water (0.3 ppt to 7 ppt), Salinity and conductivity output in ScanF |
28/03/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX8_60 | Improved modbus operation, Faster time to measurement output on scano1 command, Power consumption optimised for interval delay measurements |
28/03/2024 | Interface = B | I8_60B | As ATX8_60 |
15/03/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX8_41 | Full pH range operability (pH 2-10), Improved accuracy across the entire pH range, Faster transducer health outputs for modbus integrators - health available within 10s of measurement start, Enhanced signal resolution for long-term deployments |
15/03/2024 | Interface = B | I8_56B | As ATX8_41 |
30/01/2024 | Driver | ATX8_17 | Faster sensor boot-up time, Optimised settling time, Improved temperature outputs, New modbus operation, Accelerated pH outputs, Extended lifetime between abrasions, Immersion sensor, Improved transducer health outputs |
30/01/2024 | Interface | I8_38B | As ATX8_17 |
03/11/2023 | Driver | D7_5 | Various bug fixes including the recognition of power when in sleep mode |
03/11/2023 | Interface | I7_22B | AS D7_5 |
02/10/2023 | Interface | I7_21B | Modbus protocol outputs updated for temperature in C. Improved pH algorithms onboard sensor to provide improved precision. Enhanced operational performance for delayed longterm measurements. Data download only shows files where data is held with the file, and shows the size of the files to be downloaded. Removed some bugs on the data download code |
02/10/2023 | Driver | D7_4 | As I7_21B |
04/08/2023 | Interface | I6_9B | ScanO1 function, Modbus bug fix |
20/07/2023 | Driver | D6_0 | A major firmware release - Modbus protocol commands enabled, Transducer Health status enabled, Sensor error message updated, Sensor diagnostics status is enabled, The downloadable data from the internal memory now matches that displayed on the telemetry system, Sensor output updated, The sensor can now be run without needing the time set, Internal functions of sensor upgraded |
20/07/2023 | Interface | I6_5B | A major firmware release - Modbus protocol commands enabled, Transducer Health status enabled, Sensor error message updated, Sensor diagnostics status is enabled, The downloadable data from the internal memory now matches that displayed on the telemetry system, Sensor output updated, The sensor can now be run without needing the time set, Internal functions of sensor upgraded](/docs/docs/firmware/firmware-versions#new-features) |
For sensors with serial numbers from 300001 to 300027
Date | Type | Version | Update Info |
03/09/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX_9.94 | 9_5_3 performance enhancements |
08/08/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX9_5_3 | 9_5_1 performance enhancements |
25/07/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX9_5_1 | Lowering the pH sensing operation to 0.05ppt salinities accessible using the ScanF function over the range 2.5 to 0.05ppt, Expanding the range of our ScanO functionality from 44ppt down to 2.5ppt (previously 7ppt) enabling faster measurements to these lower salinities, Incorporation of a profiling mode for capturing pH changes quicker, suited to our vehicle integrators, Faster start-up time to measurements, ideal for power sensitive platforms, Addition of an Abrade command for use when the transducer has been abraded enabling faster and more stable measurements after this procedure, Addition of Scan2 commands for improved functionality and user control when on remote powered platforms |
25/07/2024 | Interface = A | I9_5_1A | As ATX9_5_1 |
19/04/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX9_0_1 | Salinity output when out of range or transducer failing, ScanF operation in low salinity water (0.3 ppt to 7 ppt), Salinity and conductivity output in ScanF |
12/04/2024 | Interface = A | I9_0A | As ATX9_0_1 |
28/03/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX8_60 | Improved modbus operation, Faster time to measurement output on scano1 command, Power consumption optimised for interval delay measurements |
28/03/2024 | Interface = A | I8_60A | As ATX8_60 |
15/03/2024 | Driver = ATX | ATX8_41 | Full pH range operability (pH 2-10), Improved accuracy across the entire pH range, Faster transducer health outputs for modbus integrators - health available within 10s of measurement start, Enhanced signal resolution for long-term deployments |
15/03/2024 | Interface = A | I8_56A | As ATX8_41 |
30/01/2024 | Driver | ATX8_17 | Faster sensor boot-up time, Optimised settling time, Improved temperature outputs, New modbus operation, Accelerated pH outputs, Extended lifetime between abrasions, Immersion sensor, Improved transducer health outputs |
30/01/2024 | Interface | I8_38A | As ATX8_17 |
03/11/2023 | Driver | D7_5 | Various bug fixes including the recognition of power when in sleep mode |
03/11/2023 | Interface | I7_22A | As D7_5 |
02/10/2023 | Interface | I7_21A | Modbus protocol outputs updated for temperature in C. Improved pH algorithms onboard sensor to provide improved precision. Enhanced operational performance for delayed longterm measurements. Data download only shows files where data is held with the file, and shows the size of the files to be downloaded. Removed some bugs on the data download code |
02/10/2023 | Driver | D7_4 | As I7_21A |
04/08/2023 | Interface | I6_9A | ScanO1 function, Modbus bug fix |
20/07/2023 | Driver | D6_0 | A major firmware release - Modbus protocol commands enabled, Transducer Health status enabled, Sensor error message updated, Sensor diagnostics status is enabled, The downloadable data from the internal memory now matches that displayed on the telemetry system, Sensor output updated, The sensor can now be run without needing the time set, Internal functions of sensor upgraded |
20/07/2023 | Interface | I6_5A | A major firmware release - Modbus protocol commands enabled, Transducer Health status enabled, Sensor error message updated, Sensor diagnostics status is enabled, The downloadable data from the internal memory now matches that displayed on the telemetry system, Sensor output updated, The sensor can now be run without needing the time set, Internal functions of sensor upgraded |