This document describes how to perform the firmware update procedure.
To update the firmware, the system needs to have a RS232 interface. If your system currently runs with a RS485 interface, it needs to be converted Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
ANB Sensors firmware update will always comprise the interface and driver firmware which has to be uploaded together.
Follow the procedures outlined below to ensure complete compatibility of the two systems.
- Install Tera Term before using the sensor
- Plug the Data Retrieval Unit (DRU) into the USB port of a computer and the SubConn end into the DRU
- The first time the DRU is plugged into the computer it is possible that the computer will need to download a driver automatically from the internet.
- Therefore, if this is the first time the DRU is plugged in, ensure you have an internet connection
- You can confirm that a driver is installed after plugging in the DRU, by going to ‘Control Panel’ > ‘Device Manager’ In the list under Ports (COM & LPT) will be an entry USB Serial Port (COMn) where ‘n’ will be the COM number you select in Tera Term
- Tera Term will not be able to communicate with the sensor if a driver has not been installed
- Launch Tera Term
- On Set-up menu select serial port from the drop down. In the resulting window select the correct com port
- Select speed = 19200, Data = 8bit, Parity = none, Stop bits = 1, flow control = xon/xoff
- Transmit delay set to 0 sec/char and 30 msec/line, click OK
- On Set-up menu select terminal
- New line options in resulting window should be Receive = CR+LF and Transmit = CR+LF, click OK
- Turn on CAPS LOCK
- Holding down the U key and ensuring the sensor is dry, switch on the DRU. (Note: This should be done simultaneously)
- The monitor will display a version number and a ‘>’ symbol
Uploading Interface Firmware
- Release CAPS LOCK key and type pf [ENTER]
- The monitor will display ‘pf+’
- On tera term go to file > send file
- Browse to where firmware update has been saved and click ‘open’
- The update progress to the system is indicated by ‘.*.*.*.’ which will continue until the update is complete
- At completion the upload will have been successful if the last character displayed is a ‘+’ symbol
- If no ‘+’ sign is displayed, disconnect sensor from DRU and repeat Set-Up and Driver firmware update sections
- If no ‘+’ sign persists after repeating the procedures please contact your ANB Sensors representative
- Turn off the DRU and prepare the sensor for the driver firmware update by repeating the ‘Set-Up’ procedure
Uploading Driver Firmware
- Release CAPS LOCK key and press t [ENTER]
- The monitor will display an instruction to press the U key.
- Turn CAPS LOCK on and press the U key
- The monitor will display a version number and a ‘>’ symbol
- Release CAPS LOCK key and type pf [ENTER]
- The monitor will display ‘pf+’
- On tera term go to file > send file
- Browse to where firmware update has been saved and click ‘open’
- The update progress to the system is indicated by ‘.*.*.*.’ which will continue until the update is complete
- At completion the upload will have been successful if the last character displayed is a ‘+’ symbol
- If no ‘+’ symbol is displayed, turn off the DRU and repeat Set-Up and Driver firmware update sections
- If no ‘+’ symbol persists after repeating the procedures please contact your ANB Sensors representative
- Power down the DRU and then Power up
- If required, convert back to RS485. Instructions to do this can be found here
Restarting your sensor after firmware upgrade
- Reboot sensor
- Select MENU
- Select MODE
- Choose the mode in which you would like the sensor to run, as shown here
The sensor will then run in the mode you selected
Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions.