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Primary Menu

Type menu into the terminal and the following list will display all the main functions of the sensor:

VERSION ------ Display the sensor firmware revisions, serial number and time
TIME ---------- Change the date and/or time
MODE --------- Change between Controlled and Autonomous operational modes
BAUD --------- Change the communications Baud Rate
INTERFACE ---- Select Modbus or Keyboard communications
MB_ADDRESS - Change the system Modbus address
ABRADE ------- Inform the sensor that the transducer has been abraded 
SDCARD ------ Turn SD card on of off

IMMERSION --- Enable or disable the immersion sensor
PROFILING ---- Enable or disable fast profiling results
INTERVAL ----- Change the time delay between successive measurements
SCANO -------- High Salinity - 2.5 to 40ppt (outputs pH & salinity up to 7ppt, outputs pH only > 7ppt)
--SCANO1 ----- ScanO single result (when require single results > 60 mins apart)
--SCANO2 ----- ScanO single result (when require single results < 60 mins apart)
SCANF -------- Low Salinity - 0.05 to 2.5ppt (outputs pH & salinity)
--SCANF1 ----- ScanF single result (when require single results > 60 mins apart)
--SCANF2 ----- ScanF single result (when require single results < 60 mins apart)
STOP ---------- Save any current results and stop scanning
SHUTDOWN --- Save any current results and turn the sensor off

RESULTS ------ Select result file(s) for download

A further explanation of each of the functions is listed below

System Functions


Type version into the terminal to display the system firmware revisions, the system serial number and the current date and time of the internal clock.

The following will be displayed:

Sensor Type : OC300
Sub System Type : 300
Interface Firmware Version : I9.5.1B
Driver Firmware Version : STM9.5.1
System Serial Number : 300239
System Date (MM/DD/YY) : 25/07/24
System Time (24 Hour) : 12:20
System Mode : Controlled Scanning
Scanning Interval : 0 Minutes

Should you be in discussions with ANB Sensors regarding the operation of your device, you may be asked to refer to this command.


Type time into the terminal will allow for the internal clock and/or calendar to be altered. After typing this command, the following is displayed:

The current time and date is set to:
25/07/24 08:34

To accept current date press [ENTER]
To enter new date please enter MM/DD/YYYY [ENTER]

On pressing [ENTER] the current time setting is displayed:

To accept current time press [ENTER]
To enter new time please enter HH:MM [ENTER]

On pressing [ENTER] the new date and time is displayed, and the system will reset. If the new date is different from the current results file, a new file will be opened.


Type mode into the terminal will allow the user to choose between modes of operation of the sensor.

The following will be displayed:

Please enter a Mode number
It MUST be 1 digit and only be the digits 1, 2 or 3

To begin autonomous mode, you will need to repower the system

1 = Manually Controlled Operation
2 = Autonomous Ocean Water Monitoring (For use in salinities from 2.5 to 40 ppt)
3 = Autonomous Fresh Water Monitoring (For use in salinities from 0.05 to 2.5 ppt)

Enter new Mode number (1 digit) >...

After selecting your mode the system will reset and show the splash screen with the newly selected mode.

More details on the Autonomous Monitoring mode can be found here.


On reset, ensure the correct system mode is shown on the splash screen


Type baud to allow the user to change the baud rate to any one of: 115200, 57600, 56000, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600

The following will be displayed:

Please select 1 to 8 [ENTER]

1 = 9600
2 = 14400
3 = 19200
4 = 28800
5 = 38400
6 = 57600
7 = 115200

Enter a number between 1 and 8 and [ENTER]
This will not take effect until the next power cycle


Type interface to allow switching between Terminal Program and Modbus interfaces.

The following will be displayed:

Type one of the following numbers and hit [ENTER]
1 = Use a Terminal Program to manually type commands.
2 = Use a Modbus network to communicate with the sensor.

This will not take effect until the next power cycle
The Slave Modbus address for this sensor is set to 0x55 but can be user configured

When in a Modbus interface you will no longer be able to communicate with the sensor via the terminal program. If you need to return to terminal mode enter #700 (this prohibits the use of OX23 as a Modbus address)


Type mb_address to change the Modbus address.

The following will be displayed:

Type a two digit hex number between 0x01 and 0xfe - 0x


Type abrade to tell the sensor that the transducer has been abraded. This resets all the internal sensor settings

The following will be displayed:

The transducer has been abraded


Type sdcard to turn the sd card on or off

The following will be displayed:

The sensor has internal memory which can be switched off to save power if necesary. 
If the internal is switched off, no data will be saved in the sensor.
All data must be saved externally.

Please enter:
1 = Save data to the internal memory
2 = Do not save data to the internal memory

Measurement Functions


Type immersion to enable or disable the immersion sensor.


This function is not available on ATX sensors (S/N <300200)

The following will be displayed:

Please enter:
1 = Enable immersion sensor
2 = Disable immersion sensor

When power cycled the immersion sensor defaults to enabled


Type profiling to enable or disable fast profiling results, to capture pH changes quicker.

The following will be displayed:

Fast Profiling response algorithm
Please enter:
1 = Use fast Profiling algorithm
2 = Do NOT use fast Profiling algorithm

In profiling mode the pH accuracy is reduced to +/- 0.1 pH unit


Type interval to choose the time (MMM) between measurements. This can be continuous (000), and between 15 minutes (015) and 4 hours (240)

The following will be displayed:

To add Interval Time please enter MMM [ENTER]

where MMM(Minutes) = 000 or 015 to 240

Interval Time =

The updated splash screen will then be displayed


The sensor will go into a low power state during the set interval


Type scano to tell the sensor to start scanning. For use in salinities from 2.5 to 40 ppt.

CommandSalinityOutputApprox. time to Output
ScanO2.5-7 pptpH and salinity2.5 mins
ScanO>7 pptpH only2.5 mins

The following will be displayed:

Initialising pH results file, please wait...

Starting Ocean water Scan at > 2024:05:29:11:56:13


Do not run the sensors in pH buffer solutions. They are for use in seawater - freshwater.


Type scano1 or scano2 when you want a single scano result and in between you want to power off the sensor. For use in salinities from 2.5 to 40 ppt.

CommandUse CaseApprox. time to Output
ScanO1- when you require a single scano result > 60 mins apart and you want to power down the sensor in between
- after abrading the sensor
3 mins
ScanO2- when you require a single scano result < 60 mins apart and you want to power down the sensor in between2 mins

The following will be displayed:

Initialising pH results file, please wait...

Starting Ocean water Scan at > 2024:05:29:11:23:08


Closing pH results file, please wait....

Stopping scan at > 2024:07:25:12:00:00

It is now safe to power down the system
To restart operation, power cycle the sensor
ScanO2.5-40 pptpH and salinity
ScanO>7 pptpH only

Do not run the sensors in pH buffer solutions. They are for use in seawater - freshwater.


Type scanf to tell the sensor to start scanning. For use in salinities from 0.05 to 2.5 ppt.

CommandSalinityOutputApprox. time to Output
ScanF0.05-2.5 pptpH and salinity3.5 mins

The following will be displayed:

Initialising pH results file, please wait...

Starting Fresh water Scan at > 2024:05:29:11:56:13


Do not run the sensors in pH buffer solutions. They are for use in seawater - freshwater.


Type scanf1 or scanf2 when you want a single scanf result and in between you want to power off the sensor. For use in salinities 0.05 to 2.5 ppt.

CommandUse CaseApprox. time to Output
ScanF1- when you require a single scanf result > 60 mins apart and you want to power down the sensor in between
- after abrading the sensor
4.5 mins
ScanF2- when you require a single scanf result < 60 mins apart and you want to power down the sensor in between3.5 mins

The following will be displayed:

Initialising pH results file, please wait...

Starting Fresh water Scan at > 2024:05:29:11:56:13


Closing pH results file, please wait....

Stopping scan at > 2024:07:25:12:00:50

It is now safe to power down the system
To restart operation, power cycle the sensor

A scanf1 command will output a pH and salinity measurement


Do not run the sensors in pH buffer solutions. They are for use in seawater - freshwater.


Type stop to save the current results and reset but leave the sensor powered.

The following will be displayed:

Closing pH results file, please wait...

Stopping Scan at > 2024:07:25:13:05:39

Resetting system, please wait...

Initialising... Please wait...

The updated splash screen will then be displayed


Type shutdown to save the current results and turn off the sensor.

The following will be displayed:

Shutting Down at > 2024:07:25:13:05:39

It is now safe to power down the system

Data Functions


The easiest way to download data from your sensor is by using anb_utils

However, you can type results to see and download files from the sensor's SD card.

The following text will be displayed after selecting this function:

ANBPH001.CSV N  01/01/24
ANBPH002.CSV N 01/02/24

To download all files that have not previously been downloaded press [ENTER]
To download one file please enter xxx [ENTER] (where xxx = ANBPHxxx.CSV)

Where ANBPH001.CSV N 01/01/24 is:

NDownload StatusThe download status will be either ‘N’ or ‘D’
N - data files that have not been downloaded
D - data files that have been downloaded
01/03/24Creation DateMM/DD/YY

Open a receiving text file in your terminal program. Once the terminal program is ready to receive the results file, either press [ENTER] to download any new files or select a specific file for download.

Measuring ProfileFile Creation
If the sensor has no interval (i.e. continuously monitoring)Only one file is created
If the sensor is switched off/on in the same dayOnly one file is created
If the sensor is switched off/on on different daysA new file is created each day
If the sensor awakes from a low power stateA new file is created each day

Format of text file

03/15/24 09:05:20,07.965,35.72,0,0,0,0,0,0,015,
**********END OF FILE**********

First line: File Name
Second line: Sensor data
Last line: text that indicates that the download is complete


If using Firmware I5_3/D5_0 the file output will be:
07/19/23 09:05:20, 07.965, 35.770, 0, 0, ,