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Autonomous Monitoring Mode

To access autonomous monitoring mode

To start/stop sensor scanning

  • when the sensor is powered up it will beep twice
  • in autonomous mode, if no commands are given within 5 secs, the sensor will beep twice again and begin scanning
  • the first sensor readings are provided after 3 mins
  • to stop scanning, remove power to the sensor

Unless in modbus mode, once scanning in autonomous mode, you cannot access the menu functions unless you power cycle.

To display the sensor output on anb_utils when already scanning

  • open anb_utils
  • wait for the com port menu options
  • select the com port and the sensor output will be displayed
  • to stop scanning, remove power to the sensor

anb_utils will automatically revert the sensor to controlled mode unless the sensor is already scanning.

To access the Autonomous Primary Menu

  • open anb_utils
  • wait for the com port menu options
  • turn on the sensor, and wait for the second beep
  • select the com port within 5 secs
  • select the command line prompt (option 3) on anb_utils and the splash screen will be displayed
  • type mode from the primary menu and select option 2 or 3
  • type menu

The Autonomous Mode Primary Menu looks like this:

VERSION ----- Display the sensor firmware revisions, serial number and time
TIME -------- Change the date and/or time
MODE -------- Change between Controlled and Autonomous operational modes
BAUD -------- Change the communications Baud Rate
RTC -------- Stop the Real Time Clock to conserve battery
INTERFACE -- Select Modbus or Keyboard communications
MB_ADDRESS -- Change the system Modbus address

INTERVAL ---- Change the time delay between successive measurement blocks
STARTDELAY -- Change the time delay before monitoring starts

RESULTS ----- Select result file(s) for download (performs 'LIST' first)
To commence measurements please repower the system

Measurement Functions


This function allows you to choose the time (H:MM) between measurement blocks with a minimum of 15 minutes (0:15) and a maximum of 4 hours (4:00).
Should you require continuous measurements, simply enter 0:00.


The sensor will go into a low power state during the set interval.

The following will be displayed:

To add Interval Time please enter H:MM [ENTER]

where H(Hours) = 0 to 4
where MM(Minutes) = 15 to 59

With a MINIMUM time of 15 minutes
and a MAXIMUM time of 4 hours

For no Interval enter 0:00


This function changes the time delay before monitoring starts, with a minimum of 0 minutes (00:00) and a maximum of 24 hours (24:00).

To add Start Delay please enter HH:MM [ENTER]

where HH(Hours) = 00 to 24
where MM(Minutes) = 00 to 59

With a MAXIMUM time of 24 hours

For no Start Delay enter 00:00