Bootloader Instructions
This upgrade to the bootloader is required if you do not have Interface version I6 or above
Download and unzip the bootloader file
Connect the power and the communication cable to a computer and the Sensor. (If using the Data Transfer Unit (DTU) plug it into the USB port of a computer and the SubConn end into the Sensor)
Launch a Terminal program (such as Tera Term)
In the Set-up tab select serial port
- Select the correct com port
- Select speed = 19200, Data = 8bit, Parity = none, Stop bits = 1, flow control = xon/xoff
- Transmit delay set to 0 sec/char and 50 msec/line
- Click 'New open'
In the Set-up tab select Terminal
- New line options in resulting window should be Receive = CR+LF and Transmit = CR+LF
- Switch off Local echo
- Click OK
Holding down the U key and ensuring the sensor is dry, switch on the DTU. (Note: This should be done simultaneously)
The monitor will display a version number and a
symbolTurn off CAPS LOCK and type pf [ENTER]
The monitor will display
On tera term go to file > send file
Browse to where firmware update has been saved and click ‘open’
The update progress to the system is indicated by
which will continue until the update is complete
If no +
is displayed, disconnect sensor from power and repeat steps above
If no +
persists after repeating the procedures please contact
is then displayedType 'g' [ENTER]
after typing 'g' do not interrupt the power supply
The monitor will display
The monitor will display the following
=== Bootloader Maintenance ===
The current Bootloader version is 0920702B0 and is being upgraded..
Do Not interrupt the power supply during this operation
1) Erasing.. Boot block erased
2) Loading.. ok
3) CRC Checking.. ok
The installed Bootloader, version 0920702B1, is the latest
You bootloader is now the latest version and you can upgrade your firmware