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Connecting & Powering up


Pigtail cabled sensors

For sensors terminated with a 6 core pigtailed cable check which wire option you have: WiringAQ5

Connection Options
Option 1
Option 2

Please watch this short demo on how to use the connector.


Because of the potential for different vendors to use different signal definitions, if you connect our sensors' A/B wiring to your communication device and communication does not work, try reversing the signals

SubConn cabled sensors

For sensors terminated using a MCBH6M connector, follow the pin-out below:


3RS232 Sensor Receive
4RS232 Sensor Transmit
5RS485 B - Inverting (for sensors with a serial number > 3000028)
6RS485 A - Non-Inverting (for sensors with a serial number > 3000028)

Because of the potential for different vendors to use different signal definitions, if you connect our sensors' A/B wiring to your communication device and communication does not work, try reversing the signals


The sensor can be simply powered by battery or via the DTU from a USB port of a computer.

Via battery

  1. Connect the sensor to power
  2. Wait for the sensor to beep twice

Via the DTU

  1. Connect the sensor to the DTU and the USB to the computer
  2. Press the power on switch on the DTU and the light will come on to show the DTU has power
  3. Wait for the sensor to beep twice